Friday, August 26, 2011

Posting Fail

Damn, I've gone more than ten days without posting. Sorry! I'll try not to let it happen again, but I'm still getting used to doing this regularly.

At the moment I have an excuse: I'm cleaning and purging my apartment pre-packing. It's miserable. I'm fairly satisfied that I've gotten rid of most of my personal belongings that I have no desire to take with me. I just have a box that I've been dumping souvenir-type stuff into since high school that I have to sort through so that it's not over-flowing. There's still a good amount of Kraig's stuff that he has to go through, and lots of jointly-owned junk. Especially excess kitchen equipment. Anyway, all of this is exceptionally boring and I don't particularly feel like remembering it.

In good news, my brother Tom and his fiance Jess are coming over this weekend to help us pack, because they are the awesome-est people EVER! Actually, I find that there are quite a few awesome-est people in my life at the moment, but they are among the awesome-est... We are going to hunker down with pizza and beer (sorry weight watchers) and dust, sort, pack, and label. Hopefully while listening to some sweet-ass tunes.

In other news: I went to a ballet class last night at Studio Ballet of Hudson. It was a great class and it felt really good to be dancing again (and in the studio space that I grew up learning ballet in, no less) but I am WOEFULLY out of shape. I really hope I can find a convenient ballet class in Chicago that's right for me: something laid-back and more technique/placement/organic-focused than the typical classical ballet classes one finds. I'm also thinking about checking out Gyrokenesis. The Pilates is working really well for core strength, but I'm finding it harder and harder not to use my large muscle groups while dancing/living in general.

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