Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Full Day

Quick blog entry before I sit down to prep my lectures for tomorrow and grade some quizzes. I just had a really good, full day.

I went to a ballet class this morning, which was great. There's a studio right off of the train stop where I get off for Northwestern, and one of the co-owners does a once-a-week advanced/pro ballet class. My right leg/hip is still being bothersome, but at least my over-stretched/pulled hamstring seems to be getting better. I've been careful about trying not to overtax my hips in general. It occurred to me last week that it's been almost a year exactly since I was "training," i.e. staying in good enough shape to perform. I'm not necessarily trying to get to that point again, but it's going to take some consistent effort to build up the strength to dance without having to worry about blowing things up (things generally being joints and ligaments).

Then I moseyed over to my office where I started looking into the various details of grants that I want to apply for and conferences that I want to attend. A month ago I was worried that I wasn't hearing about conferences anymore. Now there are three that I want to go to, all between March and June of this year, and in three different countries. I'm pretty sure that I'll manage to go to two out of three of them, though I'm not sure which two that will be. It was a little overwhelming at the time, but overall it's more motivation to WRITE MY DAMN PAPERS!

After finishing up in the department, including going to tea (department social hour) and having a great conversation with a grad student about adopting/fostering dogs from shelters in the Chicago area, I went to a yarn shop with a member of my cohort, Anna Marie, and bought some lovely dandelion-yellow yarn and a pair of knitting needles. Anna Marie happens to be a whiz knitter, and I've decided that I could use a hobby that is productive, portable, and potentially mindless. So yeah, I'm learning how to knit. So far I can cast on and do a slightly uneven garter stitch. Sweet :)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!

Time for some resolutions? Definitely. And what better place to record them than my oft neglected blog?

  1. I will write here more often. I'll aim for once a week, except for possibly when I'm writing exams.
  2. I will track my food daily and my weight weekly on WW. 
  3. I will attend yoga and dance classes at least twice a week.
  4. I will prep for classes and write quizzes and exams ahead of time and not at the last minute. I will also not spend more time writing exams than I need to.
  5. I will write three or more papers this year (two of these should have been finished last summer). 
  6. I will not feel guilty about scheduling "me time," understanding that it will ultimately make me more productive. 
  7. I will keep in touch with my friends by email, phone, or in person.
  8. I will always have a "just-for-fun" book that I am reading. 
 2011 was jam-packed full of life changes, so here's to a less eventful 2012.