Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I found my sock

It had gotten caught in a leotard. Figures. I really hate getting up this early in the morning. Most of the time when I wake up and my alarm says 6:30, my first thought is, oh good, I get to go back to sleep. Now my first thought is, shit, I'm late.

I'm really tempted to purge my friends on myspace. I don't mind having a million people on facebook that I knew in college or high school (or even grade school). But for some reason, I'd rather not have people I don't know well added on myspace. Mostly, it's the stupid-ass bulletins some people keep posting. Now I really understand why there's the option at the bottom of a bulletin to remove someone from friends. A bulletin shouldn't be a survey, or chain mail, or random stuff that you do while you're bored. Those all go in your blog people. A bulletin should be an announcement, like that you have new pictures, or a show coming up, or that you're moving. I'm going to start deleting people if they frequently post annoying bulletins. You are warned.

On a similar note, I need more people to stalk on livejournal...

Monday, January 28, 2008

Small lists

Thanks for the idea Karen, though mine may be somewhat less deep:

BEST of today:
Two and a half hour nap after school
Yoga class down the street this evening
My check engine light turned off again (it's been turning on and off)
Snow melted during the day

WORST of today:
Waking up before sunrise
Nasty traffic during my morning commute (an hour and a half to get to school. it's usually 45 mins in traffic. needless to say I was late (only 5 mins))
Lost one of my favorite socks in the laundry (last night, but it's still on my mind)
There will be ice all over the ground tonight because of the snow melting

I'll post more at some point, maybe to give you background about the day's events, or maybe I'll forget until next week when today has faded into the irrelevant past and I'll tell you something about the future...