Wednesday, January 30, 2008

I found my sock

It had gotten caught in a leotard. Figures. I really hate getting up this early in the morning. Most of the time when I wake up and my alarm says 6:30, my first thought is, oh good, I get to go back to sleep. Now my first thought is, shit, I'm late.

I'm really tempted to purge my friends on myspace. I don't mind having a million people on facebook that I knew in college or high school (or even grade school). But for some reason, I'd rather not have people I don't know well added on myspace. Mostly, it's the stupid-ass bulletins some people keep posting. Now I really understand why there's the option at the bottom of a bulletin to remove someone from friends. A bulletin shouldn't be a survey, or chain mail, or random stuff that you do while you're bored. Those all go in your blog people. A bulletin should be an announcement, like that you have new pictures, or a show coming up, or that you're moving. I'm going to start deleting people if they frequently post annoying bulletins. You are warned.

On a similar note, I need more people to stalk on livejournal...

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