Thursday, January 22, 2009

Theraband Care

When I googled "theraband care," I failed to find any websites with useful information. As a result of my own experimentation, however, I have found a solution that I would like to share.

I have a light grey theraband that I got in college that is now somewhat grubby and sticky. I tried washing it, thinking that the dirt and stuff on it would make it sticky, but that only made it worse (and did not get rid of the dirt streaks). The solution I found is to rub baby powder into the band - I didn't really have to rub the powder "in," just coat the band with a thin layer. I imagine that talc would work just as well. I get some powder on my hands when I use it now, but for the most part it's back to new. And it smells nice (no more feet smell!).

So there, hope that's useful...

PS- I get my stitches out tomorrow!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Gimp post!

Happy New Year everyone! Sorry I haven't posted for over a month. December was a black hole of busy. Nutcracker performances went off practically without a hitch, despite a plethora of sprained ankles (5 or 6 people, including myself?) and other various injuries. Kraig and I also spent about a week doing the family/friend holiday thing.

Since then, I had a party on New year's eve and surgery on the labral tear in my hip. So far so good: I am up and walking around and generally not in pain (though the band-aids that I keep covering my stitches with itch like hell!). I feel like I must be recovering quickly since my follow-up with the surgeon isn't until next Friday but I am already climbing flights of stairs with relatively little trouble and occasionally finding my leg in positions that I wasn't aware of putting it in. I'm still a little leary of rotating my hip open too far (think sitting cross-legged) but I've managed to rotate my knee open past the point where it hurt pre-surgery, and with no sharp pain. As long as there isn't much for scar tissue, I think I'm good to go.

I am, however, a bit torn about actually going to a PT for recovery. My sensible side knows that of course I have to go to a PT! One does after surgery! But then my thrifty, impulsive side reasons that it probably wouldn't be all that helpful: I havn't lost much muscle in my leg since I was only off of it for a few days, I already know a buttload of strengthening exercises, and I'm very aware of the difference between good pain and bad pain. Plus they are so freaking expensive, even with health insurance. Except for the lady who diagnosed my hip (she's moved to another practice a bit too far away), I have had only mediocre experiences with PT's. I figure that I will discuss this with the surgeon, he will tell me to see a PT, and I will make up my mind based on anything new he can add to my reasoning.

PS- I'd like everyone to give Kraig a big hug next time they see him, because he's been just wonderful helping me through all the post-op stuff. I was so out of it after surgery at the hospital, they didn't even bother talking to me anymore, they just told him all of the post-op instructions.