Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Strange week...

I sprained my ankle last night leaving Dance On. I think I stepped on a rock and it made my ankle roll. It freaking killed. I managed to drive home (only time I've regretted driving stick - left ankle) but couldn't get up the stairs to my apartment. Kraig had to come carry me. I slept with it up on a stack of pillows (ie didn't sleep much) and it seems to have done the trick. I am almost walking normally again, though it still hurts. I have a week and a half before I have to throw myself around on pointe shoes. Let's see if I'm still as resilient as I was in high school.

I've also had a bone moving around in my left wrist for a while. My chiropractor adjusted it Monday and I've been wrapping it in an ace bandage since then to keep from using it much. I feel like I've been hit by a bus or something; I'm all bandaged up.


is very fluffy and has issues with the fur on her bum getting matted. She is currently shut in the bathroom with food, water, a litter pan and a towel to sleep on so that she doesn't scoot herself around the house and make a mess. She has a grooming appointment for tomorrow.

The strange thing is that Gabby

doesn't seem to mind that she's missing her sister, and is acting much happier than she has in a while. I think I might have to shut Holly up every once in a while so that Gabby can assert some dominance. Any ideas? Gabby actually had a decent sized scrape on her neck recently that I assume is from sparring with Holly.

Anyways, back to grading. I'm doing the lecture tomorrow too, and it's going to be weird handing back the homeworks myself. Fortunately I haven't been too much of a bitch on this one!

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