Monday, February 11, 2008

Recent things that I have to laugh at myself for

I got soap in my martini last night. Where do I start to explain this?

I've been feeling kinda icky recently in a low-energy, might be getting sick sort of way. I sat on the couch pretty much all day Saturday and so on Sunday I booted myself out of the house to go to Miranda's ballet and jazz class. That thoroughly kicked my ass, in a good way, but I was still exhausted afterwards. So I went home, prepped for my class this morning, and made myself a drink. Then I decided it would be a really good idea to take a bath and read the rest of my book. That went really well. I lit some candles and turned bright red cuz the water was a bit too hot.

Things that didn't happen:
I could have tipped over my martini, which was perched on the side of the tub.
I could have dropped the book in the water, though I'm a fairly experienced bath reader.
The cats could have tried to either get in the tub or drink the water, which would have been really bad since I put epsom salts in the tub, and apparently their primary therapeutic use is as a laxative (who knew?).
I could have lit my hair on fire, since I was sitting next to two lighted candles (in holders, but I'm clumsy).

But no, none of those things happened. I figured that since I'd been sweating a lot, both before and during my bath, I should probably wash off before going to bed. So I soap up the loofah, start soaping, and PLOP! I get a dollop of soap right in my half-drunk martini. I was so bummed, I even tried a sip but decided that it was disgusting. So much for that...

PS- A guy just popped his head into my office to ask if I wanted to buy books or something. I have no idea, never seen him before. But during the 5 seconds he was in my airspace he managed to stink up my entire office! I hate perfume! It's disgusting! Just don't wear it. Don't. Bathe more.

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